Wonderland Theatre ©2003-2009

Wonderland Productions in association with The Port House proudly presents
La Locandiera – Mirandolina
by Journalist Vanessa Moore
La Locandiera Last Supper
Mirandolina! – everyone’s in love with Mirandolina.’ Born in 1753 Mirandolina has been a hit ever since. This able woman keeps her inn full of paying by guests, with flirtatious ways and obliging manners, and never drops her guard. This is 1750s Florence after all, and independent women entrepreneurs like her are few and far between.

Enter the Ulster Gentleman, a man who professes to hate women: “I have never loved a woman, I have never put a woman onto a pedestal, and I have always believed that woman is man’s insupportable infirmity.” This remark challenges Mirandolina to “use Art to cut down, conquer and crush the barbarous hard hearted enemy.”

And so begins this new English translation by director Alice Coghlan, performed in the cosy candelit restaurant for the night - or is it Mirandolina's Inn? This Inn is an open, happy, “allegra” place, where the characters entertain the audience through Italian music and song.

Goldoni is Italy’s greatest comic playwright, but his plays are very rarely performed in Ireland although there is sure to be a Goldini performance in Italian theatres on any day of the year. This production offers an audience the chance to see this classic comedy in a very intimate setting. Audiences will find the play’s characters seated at their tables, serving food and wine and latterly sword fighting all around them – much as they did for Wonderland’s sell-out hit Georgian house version of Molière’s The Miser and Afternoon Tea version of The Picture of Dorian Gray

A classic play of love, hate, romantic rivalry, rank and seduction, it is above all a humorous play, and one to sweep an audience away for the night.

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Behind the Scenes with the Cast and Crew

Production Details     Production Reviews

From Wonderland Productions Ltd.
Starring: Neill Fleming, Connolly Heron, Claire Jenkins, Damien O’Donnell, Martin Philips, Robert Harrington and Roseanne Lynch

Translation & Direction: Alice Coghlan
Costume Design: Tara Jones Hamilton
Music Director: Sam Kavanagh
Tour Producer: Sara Cregan
Port House Producer: Nina Antonioli
Dramaturgy: Irene Dei
Assistant Director: Amy Fox
Stage Management: James Fanning
Company Administration: Grainne Lynch
Wigs: Patricia McDevitt
Photography: Steve Wilson